Project Management and web development

For the Development of my website, i had to learn how to firstly use HTML. To start of, i had utilised the video Learn HTML in 12 mins video , learn more HTML in 20 mins video both from the youtube chanel Jake Wright. Also, w3schools website as a baseline reference to ensure that the codes that I had input were correct and that it was able to run smoothly for a base website.

To go into more detail, i have learned about the format of "DOCTYPE" Html, how to include videos and pictures through commands like "img src" and "href" to include videos or website links. "div" to identify the portions of the website and headers to visually markout the main content of my webpage.

For the visual aesthetic and the formatting of the website, I had to learn how to use CSS. Firstly, I had refered to the youtube video "learn CSS in 12 mins" before actually starting the process of improving the looks of my website, this was because CSS was alot more confusing to me and that it had a higher difficultly as compared to HTML, it required to accurately space out the pixels of the website so that it produces a nicer finish to the website, and then also using the w3schools website for references to certain codes.

To be specific, the html file starts off with a html tag and a title tag , following up with the title and the headers tags. To settle the look of the website. I had to include a css file into the mix as mentioned above, with most of the looks very basic looking, adding a background image in the body, and improving the user interface(UI) and arrange my stuff neatly. My content, other sub links and title block all arranged as seen in the current of of my website.

Next, I had to include all the links to my other parts of my website like the " computer aided design", "about" and so on. Using the link function and "href" to neatly arrange my website links. Lastly i had to document my work with the paragragh function and thus concludes what i had learnt with Web Development. At first, the biggest issue was that i had limited understanding of how to program a website as the format was different from what i had learnt from c++. But after watching majority of the videos and the information that had been went through by the teachers, i was able to overcome the issue and thus improve my web development skills